The Significance Of Existence


Have you ever looked up into the night sky or maybe seen Outer Space through the lens of the Hubble Telescope and asked yourself:  “Is there life out there? If The Universe is that vast, why are we the only planet with life?”

Or maybe you had a fall.  For instance, the death of a loved one, a divorce, bankruptcy or another major setback which brought you to the point of asking “What am I doing?, Why am I here?, What is this for?”

These questions have been the driving force behind decades of research.  We are satisfied that, within the covers of this book, those questions have been answered.


You are embarking upon a universal journey, from an explanation of what fills space to how worlds are made, what consciousness is and how it becomes Man, how we are all Immortal Spiritual Beings and finally, the true significance behind our existence…

Published by Halls of Light, Inc. on the High Plains of South Dakota by TnT, the authors of “Who Am I and Why Am I Here?” and publishers of “Death and the Incredible Life After”, “Fear of Death Removed”, “Paradise Regained”, “Spiritual Laws Revealed”, “Unseen Forces” “Too Good To Be True?” and “The Truth of Life in the Spirit World”, this work serves as another superb example and unique perspective, bringing facts together to manifest the unity of the cosmos and the universal human experience.


Life is immortal. It never had a beginning and never had an end, but it possesses the power of development.

If man is immortal, so are all things else. If man develops and ripens for immortality through the materiality, so do all things else that have life whatsoever their kind. All things die, or cast off their material covering. It is against all reason to suppose that Man is alone in his immortality. In order to explain Man’s immortality, we must explain how worlds are made, what the Spirit of All Things is and how everything in its material form must yield up its spirit and why.

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